
Bilsdale, the most westerly of the steep sided North/South dales of the North York Moors. Seen here from The Wainstones in the early morning sunshine.

There is a local legend that the name Bilsdale comes from William the Conqueror, who is said to gotten himself lost in the dale during his harrying of the North. So fed up was he that once he escaped from the valley he left it unscarred and never bothered to return. But on the other hand the etymologists say that the name is derived from the old Norse personal name “Bildr”. So you take your pick.

In the distance on Bilsdale West Moor is the 314 metres high Bilsdale Mast constructed in 1969 by the BBC to transmit the latest technology, colour TV , to Teesside. With its red aircraft warning light it provides a well known landmark at night. Assuming of course there is no mist and it can be seen.

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